The following demographic and economic information provides a snapshot of Butte County.
Population: 222,564
Population under 18: 45,422 or 20.4%
Population 18 to 64: 140,323 or 63%
Population Over 64: 36,819 or 16.5%
Median Age: 36.8
Workforce: 103,600
Employed: 97,700
Unemployment Rate: 5.6%
Average Commute Time: 20.1 minutes
Income & Housing
Median Household Income: $43,444
Per Capita Income: $24,259
Families at or Below Poverty Level: 21%
Median Home Price: $428,000
Educational Attainment (over 25 Years Old)
Less than High School: 12%
High School Graduate: 22.6%
Some College: 29.6%
Associate's Degree: 9.9%
Bachelor's Degree: 17.5%
Graduate or Higher: 8.3%
Average Hourly Wages
Average Hourly Wage (All Occupations): $20.89
Average Hourly Management Wage: $45.25
Average Hourly Manufacturing Wage: $16.93
Average Hourly Office and Admin Hourly Wage: $16.74